Our Services

Home Services Corporate Finance & Restructuring

Landline: +27 (0)10 595 9610
Email: info.vga@pkf.co.za

Corporate Finance & Restructuring

Our corporate finance team is capable, committed and creative. We understand the needs of your business and the context in which it operates. Our specialised knowledge and expertise ensure that you make smart business decisions based on accurate analysis and experience. Our corporate finance experts will assist you in making decisions that are crucial to a well-managed and profitable enterprise in the following areas:

  • Mergers, acquisitions and disposals
  • Financial and tax due diligence
  • Listings
  • Valuations
  • Regulatory support
  • Management buy-outs
  • Corporate restructuring
  • New business formations

Corporate Restructuring

Our services span corporate structures, strategy and direction, internal organisation and controls, recruitment and succession, cost and price analysis, capital raising, capital expenditure planning and business valuations.

Our corporate finance team has a wealth of experience when it comes to corporate structuring. We help you develop suitable structures and models to support your business.

Our services include:

  • Strategy and direction
  • Internal organisation and controls
  • Recruitment and succession
  • Cost and price analysis
  • Capital raising
  • Capital expenditure planning
  • Business valuations

We work with you to develop the right business structures that are robust and delivers clear business benefits, helping you to plan ahead and anticipate the red-flags and pitfalls.

Merges, Acquisitions & Disposals

Whether you're the buyer or the seller, our team will investigate potential opportunities, analyse the risks, threats and industry and offer creative solutions and recommendations.

Financial & Tax Due Diligence

We perform due diligence reviews to assist you with regulatory requirements, tax structuring and financial modelling. We also act as intermediaries in closing transactions and assist in finding prospective buyers and sellers.

Our expertise is not limited to the local market - if the potential business activity takes place internationally we draw on the resources of our PKF members around the world to offer you the best solution.


We assist with your company listing by planning the most appropriate corporate and capital structures in conjunction with other professional advisors. We issue the accountant's reports for a prospectus and ensure that you comply with the necessary regulations in a cost-effective manner.


We perform numerous valuations of shares and businesses for various purposes. We also perform valuations for purchase price allocations and of derivative instruments such as options.

Regulatory Support

PKF VGA performs fairness opinions as required by the JSE Listings Requirements and fair and reasonable opinions necessitated in terms of the Companies Act. We also act as reporting accountants for listed companies involved in transactions and issuing circulars.

Management Buy-outs

Whether you need to de-list, buy out minorities or need to structure a management equity share programme, we can assist you. We also advise on share incentive schemes, capital raisings, suitable business structures, black economic empowerment, shareholder issues and buy-backs.

New Business Formations

Your new business needs to be built on a solid foundation, with a suitable business structure and expert guidance. We can lead you through the myriad challenges and questions confronting your new venture - from preparing business plans, sources of finance, marketing plans, cash control management accounting, appraising new investments, applying computer technology to decentralizing incentives, taxation and personal financial matters.